


current faves

she/her, 20 yo,

danmei, manhua/hwa, drawing (learning), music, DIYs

shenfan, jiuhuo, 1076, tianwang

before you follow


- I have social anxiety, so sometimes I might take a long time to reply (or won't reply because idk what to say😭 just know that it's nothing personal)
- Not spoiler free
- A bit selective in fb

- Racist, anti lgbtq, have superiority complex, fandom police
- Ship real people with unconfirmed/denied relationship
- Hate bts
- Below 16 yo
- Costantly engage in dramas
Soft block me if I followed you and didn't notice you fit in some of these

quote that never leaves my mind

"I'm not here to save you, I’m here to love you"


魔道祖师 (mdzs)mxtx
二哈和他的白猫师尊 (2ha)Meatbun
天官赐福 (tgcf)mxtx
人渣反派自救系统 (svsss)mxtx
杀破狼 (sha po lang)Priest
夺梦 (seizing dreams)非天夜翔 (Feitian Yexiang)
网恋翻车指南 (ghfod)酱子贝 (Jiang Zibei)
PUBG世纪网恋 (PUBG orc)酱子贝 (Jiang Zibei)
我喜欢你男朋友很久了 (I've liked your boyfriend for a long time)酱子贝 (Jiang Zibei)
七爷 (lord seventh)Priest
天涯客 (tyk)Priest
伪装学渣 (fake slackers)木瓜黄 (Mu Gua Huang)
默读 (modu)Priest
经久 (salad days)静水边 (Jing Shuibian)
全球高考 (qqgk)木苏里 (Musuli)
死亡万花筒 (Kaleidoscope Of Death)西子绪 (Xi Zixu)
青梅屿 (Green Plum Island)回南雀 (Hui Nan Que)
小蘑菇 (Little Mushroom)一十四洲 (Yi Shisi Zhou)
不堪言 (Unspeakable)梨花糖 (Li Hua Tang)
放学等我 (Wait For Me After School)酱子贝 (Jiang Zibei)
某某 (A Certain Someone)木苏里 (Mu Su Li)
社交温度 (Social Outcast)卡比丘 (Ka Bi Qiu)
营养过良 (Over-nutrition)芥菜糊糊 (Gai Cai Hu Hu)
Remix混音人生孙黯 (Sun An)
我喜欢你的信息素 (I Like Your Pheromones)引路星 (Yin Lu Xing)
小行星 (Asteroid)微风几许 (Wei Feng Ji Xu)
娘娘腔 (Sissy)水千丞 (Shui Qiang Cheng)
别来无恙 (Hope You've Been Well)北南 (Bei Nan)
薄雾 (Mist)微风几许 (Wei Feng Ji Xu)
你的距离 (Your Distance)公子优 (Gong Zi You)

One shots

- 两只公蚊子的故事 (the story of two male mosquitos)
- 找得着北 (find my bearings)
- 小蟑螂 (little cockroach)
- 二次热恋




“然后,我就必须和一个比我小的恋人远距离恋爱了啊 ”
“I don’t like long-distance relationships, and I don’t like dating people younger than me, so I shouldn’t have agreed to this in the first place… but I wasn’t able to resist the temptation, so none of those things matter anymore.”
“And so, now I’m forced to commit to a long-distance relationship with someone younger than me.”

“以前岛上生活是宁静的,舒适的,现在却有点无趣。你不在,什么都很无趣。”“In the past, life on the island was serene, comfortable. Now it’s dull. Without you here, everything is dull.”

“Green Plum Island is well, your grandpa is well, Qiuqiu is well, the two cats are well. Only I’m not well.
I miss you too much.
I will still be missing you when you read this letter.”

“人类真好。好在……人海茫茫,我不需要发光也能在人群里找到你。夜晚那样黑,我不用担心弄丢你。”“It’s good to be human, because… I can find you in a vast sea of people even without emitting light. No matter how dark the night is, I don’t need to worry that I’ll lose you.”

“无论你飞到多远,我都会等你回来。”“No matter how far you fly, I’ll be waiting for your return.”

【我让海风给你传了一句话,它带到了吗?】【嗯。】【它说了什么?】【它说,我爱你。】[I asked the ocean breeze to bring you a message. Did you receive it?][Yes.][What did it say?][It said, I love you.]